Monday, January 08, 2007

20 weeks ultrasound...

Here you can see most of Baby J. Her hands are up by her face (top right), and her legs are folded (left). Pretty cool, eh?

(click on the picture to see a bigger view)

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Lucy is a TV STAR!!!

We sent in Lucy-bubblelips picture to KVUE (, and she was chosen as the daily winner by our weatherman! Precision Camera choses a monthly winner -- we are keeping our fingers crossed that Lucy will take home the trophy! There are some good pics, so the competition will be stiff. Needless to say, Paul and I are very proud parents...

Be sure to watch KVUE news to see her television debut on January 17!!

Check out this months pics (including Lucy on the calendar for Jan 17) at:

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Paul and I went to the doctor today for our 20 week ultrasound... the sonographer was able to tell (100% he said) that we are going to have a baby girl! We are SOOOO excited. Marcia and Ed came in town for Christy's birthday and attended the appointment also... they had not ever seen an ultrasound, and were tickled to see all the baby parts, including the heart beat, fingers, toes, kidneys, brain, 4-chambered heart, facial features, etc. According to measurements, the baby is healthy and tracking a few days early. Dr. Bushart said that the baby is "fluffy", meaning that it has a properly-proportioned "big belly" (he said that he never calls a girl rotund, just "fluffy"!). The baby weighs 12 ounces, and she is about 12-14 cm long (head to toe); the heartbeat is still a healthy (for a baby) 144 beats per minute. We will post another ultrasound picture when we get it scanned in.

What a great birthday present for Christy, and a great present for Paul too! Happy New Year, everyone!